Hydrokraft heavy-duty open-circuit piston pumps
With displacements from 66 cm3 to 750 cm3 [4.1 in3 to 45.7 in3] for pressures up to 420 bar [6,527 psi] and speeds up to 1,800 rpm, Hydrokraft open-circuit piston pumps feature industry-standard mounting capabilities and modular construction. A variety of size options and a “building block” design make them suitable for a wide variety of tough applications.
Products shown: 5
W series pumps
With displacements from 130 cm3 to 750 cm3 [8 in3 to 45 in3] for continuous pressures up to 350 bar [5,000 psi], these axial piston pumps are used to optimize control in many unique industrial applications. They feature oversized shafts and bearings and a swashplate design for reliable operation and long life, and their perpendicular control mechanisms enable short tandem combinations.
X series 10 design pumps
Hydrokraft™ X series 10 design open-circuit axial piston pumps are available with displacements from 66 cm3 to 250 cm3 [4.1 in3 to 15.3 in3] for continuous pressures up to 350 bar [5,000 psi]. Designed for the optimal control of unique industrial applications, their perpendicular control mechanisms enable short tandem combinations, and they feature a swashplate design and oversized shafts and bearings for reliable operation and long life.
X series 15 design pumps
For unique industrial applications requiring continuous pressures up to 350 bar [5,000 psi], X series 15 design open-circuit axial piston pumps support many optimized control options. They are available with displacements between 66 cm3 and 250 cm3 [4 in3 and 15.2 in3], and their perpendicular control mechanisms enable short tandem combinations.